数据单表;数据单(表,一览表,记录表);诸元表; 缩写词为DS;
Please look up the data sheet for total hydrocarbon values.
互联网The execution result may preserve the electronic data sheet, also may derive the oscillogram.
执行的结果可以保存到电子数据表, 也可以导出波形图.
互联网I am enclosing a personal Data sheet.
互联网A motor's start performance can be identified by examining motor data sheet.
互联网Pinend of data sheet.
互联网At full - scale, the MDAC output capacitance equals the data sheet specification.
在满量程处, MDAC的输出电容等于数据手册中标准值.
互联网A separate Product Safety Data Sheet is available on request.
互联网I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications.
互联网These recommendations can be found on the technical data sheet.
互联网Store in a cool, dry place. Consult the technical data sheet for specific storage instructions.
储存在阴凉干燥的地方 ﹐ 参照技术数据以获取具体的储存方法.
互联网If a data sheet is MODIFIED, the revision date ( month and year ) is added.
如果数据表被修改, 修订日期 ( 年月 ) 推后.
互联网You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed that.
互联网Also, review the Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS ) and follow all recommendations.
还可以参考合适的材料安全数据表 ( MSDS ),并遵守所有的建议.
互联网Qingdao, a letter carrier table tripod chip data sheet, hot carrier chip TCM 081.
青岛鼎信载波表芯片数据手册, 热点载波芯片TCM081.
互联网ALWAYS refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for specific chemical properties.
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